10 Countries In The World That Are Unsafe For Women. Is Your Country On The List?
We have made some amazing progress and still, there are nations that are hazardous for ladies. We continue discussing ladies strengthening, ladies' security however I simply think about whether it truly works. A lady is as yet reluctant to venture out of the house after 6 pm. You can call your nation an advancing or created nation however in the event that a lady is as yet not protected, at that point it's a noteworthy concern. Various cases identified with assault, aggressive behavior at home, corrosive assaults are getting enrolled each day over the world and just a less number of individuals are really worried about this.
Here are the 10 countries that are unsafe for women. Take a look!
1. Colombia
The rate of acid attacks in Colombia is very high. And Around 45,000 cases of domestic violence were reported in 2015.
2. Afghanistan
Afghan girls have always struggled for their freedom. As per the stats, 54% of girls aged between 15-19 are married. Cases of domestic violence is again a big concern in the country.
3. The Democratic Republic of Congo
According to a survey, 1150 women are raped every day in The Democratic Republic of Congo.
4. Pakistan
Forced marriage, domestic violence, orthodox thinking are the biggest threat to a woman. More than 1,000 girls and women are victims of ‘honour killings’ each year.
5. India
Rape, child marriage, acid attacks are one of the most common crimes against women in India. According to reports, 24,923 rape cases were reported across India in 2012. Female travelers from US, UK, Australia, Canada keep informing the travel agencies of respected countries about how unsafe they feel when they visit India.
6. Somalia
High rates of maternal mortality, rape and child marriage put this country on the list of most unsafe countries in the world.
7. Egypt
A lot of tourists have confessed that they have experienced $3xual assault in Egypt very often. In January 2014, there were 19 cases of mob s3xual assaults.
8. Kenya
Educational prospects for girls are dreadful in Kenya. They are taught at an inferior level to their counterparts. Even worse, HIV infection rates are more prevalent among the female populace due to poor $3x education.
9. Mexico
A large number of tourists go to Mexico every year but there are certain places where it’s completely unsafe for girls to travel alone and particularly at night because of a series of incidents where girls have been raped, robbed or kidnapped.
10. Brazil
Brazil has very serious and troubling statistics when it comes to a women’s safety. A woman is assaulted every 15 seconds.
It’s hard to believe that even after proper education and awareness we have failed to provide safety for women. The judiciary system and government can decrease the rates of rapes and $3xual assault if they take this safety issue seriously.
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