Did you observe that during your periods, you happen to fart more frequently than the other days and it extra stinks too? Well, if it is happening with you, then not to worry, there are many women, who suffer from this same dilemma. Though there are many who don’t have this issue, yet this is a very natural problem with maximum women. There are two reasons due to which you fart frequently and it stinks, one is hormonal and the other is anatomic, according to experts. We shall try to go deeper into this fart issue so that you understand fully and feel relaxed about this whole frequently farting business.
During your periods there’s a hormonal change between estrogen and progesterone, which affects your mood and also your gastrointestinal system making you fart frequently.
A woman’s period has two stages, first is estrogen, which is the prominent hormone from the start of the hormonal cycle until ovulation, the second is progesterone an important hormone after ovulation.

Your uterus happens to be right in front of the intestines and the colon, therefore your uterus hardens and presses up against the colon leading to constipation and bloating. Later on, it becomes easier when the uterus deflates.

Having bowel movements and diarrhea frequently is quite common during your periods, which is often caused by menstrual cramps and changes in the progesterone levels.

Within the first three days of a period, chemicals call prostaglandins are released, which makes the uterus and intestine contract causing the bowel movement to happen frequently and…

Your fart stinks because your body isn’t able to digest food properly, as prostaglandins make your intestines act weird.

When the hormone progesterone relaxes the smooth muscles in the intestine, it results in constipation, which in turn, leads to a build-up of gas causing flatulence.

Another reason you poop and fart frequently during your periods is the regular coffee you drink, which converts at this time into opening the floodgates.

The bowel action and fart, during your periods, is considered to be naturally healthy. In order to avoid the stinks, try to eat more fiber based foods.

The fiber based foods best for those prone to inflating are rolled oats, linseeds, ripe fruits and non-starchy vegetables (carrots, celery, and lettuce). It also solidifies the loose stools and reduces the diarrhea symptoms.

When you drink plenty of water frequently, it allows things to move along in your body correctly and reduces farts and stinks less.

Try to avoid processed products such as white pasta, bread and baked goods (cakes, biscuits, and pastries).

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