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Friday, September 22, 2017


14 Weird Facts About Manhood Most Men Didn’t Know

For most man talking about their manhood is a big deal, they don’t like talking about it to anyone or maybe they’re just conscious about talking their manhood. There are some weird facts about a man’s manhood that even they might not know. There’s a ‘myth’ about size, there are things said on the internet about prostates, semen etc. So we are here to help you out with it and tell you some weird facts about a man’s private part.
So all the men out there, we have 15 weird facts about manhood you never knew!
1.Not all men have the same size of the penis. They differ in sizes; some are small while some are big. But experts say that when erect, almost all of them measure between 6-7 inches except in some rare cases.
Weird Facts About Manhood

2.Excessive smoking reduces the size of a man’s se3ual organ. It can shrink the size by 1 cm. So now you have a valid reason to quit smoking.
3.As a man ages, the manhood loses its sensitivity gradually. This change with age is quite normal.
Weird Facts About Manhood
4.The Colymbosathon ecplecticos is the first species to develop a penis and we thought that we humans are the first species to have it.
Weird Facts About Manhood
5.If you are suffering from both erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, you can probably have a problem with your prostate gland too. It can be a sign of prostate cancer.
Weird Facts About Manhood
6.A man’s penis can break if mishandled. It’s extremely sensitive when it’s erect and if you hit against a hard surface while it’s erect, it can break.
Weird Facts About Manhood 
7.It’s not your brain but your spinal cord that decides when it gets tight or loose. You just need to wait and be patient.
Weird Facts About Manhood

8.Size does matter!  The longer the manhood, the better sperm displacement you’ll be achieving while making out.
Image result for sizes og penis via banana
9.King Fatefehi of Tonga was probably the luckiest man in the history. He deflowered about 37,800 women in a 14-year span, averaging 7 women a day!
Weird Facts About Manhood
10.The most common cause of penile rupture is vigorous masturbation.
Weird Facts About Manhood
11.A research shows that the average duration of intercourse could be around two and a half minutes. So if you can’t prolong it long don’t blame yourself.
Weird Facts About Manhood
12.Attractive men do have a stronger sperm compared to average looking people or the ones who are less attractive.
Weird Facts About Manhood
13.There are two different type of manhood
a.Shower: The ones which appear big but doesn’t get a lot bigger after erection.
b.Grower: The ones which appear small but when erect grow vertically and horizontally.
Weird Facts About Manhood
14.A male orgasm can last up to only 6 seconds. So don’t get upset thinking that you can’t last long.
Weird Facts About Manhood


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