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Friday, September 22, 2017


12 Comic Strips That Take Offensive To A Whole New Level

What’s funnier than breaking someone’s nose? Offending someone. That’s right. There’s an innate peace in offending people. There are two ways to do this, one is unintentionally and, the other one is intentional. Purposely offending people is an art. This is an art that you need to master. And this art has been well mastered by these Comic. Right now take inspiration from these offensive comic strips.

1. We don’t get what we want

This is savage. Don’t you agree? A comparison between PS4 and abortion. Dads take an inspiration.
Comic Strips That Take Offensive To A Whole New Level
2. No one to notify
Talk about offending people. This is perhaps the most offensive comic you will ever read.Comic Strips That Take Offensive To A Whole New Level
3. Humble doctor
Imagine yourself in place of this unfortunate patient. To kill or not to kill is the question. I thought comics were supposed to be funny but this takes offensive to a whole new level.Comic Strips That Take Offensive To A Whole New Level
4. Being brutal
Ouch! That’s inhuman. People are already scared of doctors and these offensive comic strips just make them more horrible.Comic Strips That Take Offensive To A Whole New Level
5. Have a nice day
This is dark, very very dark. This comic gives a new meaning to the word “offensive”.
6. Gender neutrality
This is hilarious. What a great time to pick up a fight. This comic strip is not exactly offensive. But this will definitely crack you up.

7. Mom-mified
This is not exactly offensive. But it’s insane and sick at the same time. Ewww is the word for this.
Comic Strips That Take Offensive To A Whole New Level
8. Pokemon
This Pokemon is mine. Saying this and, pulling out a gun from your pocket are two very different things. This comic strip has nothing to do with offensive behavior but it shows us how to be possessive.Comic Strips That Take Offensive To A Whole New Level
9. Reality check
What a great direct cum indirect way to tell the truth. Funny comics you say?Comic Strips That Take Offensive To A Whole New Level
10. Dare it is
These comics gives a whole new dimension to piss off. Either you get it or you don’t.
Comic Strips That Take Offensive To A Whole New Level
11. Toast it
You don’t make jokes on diseases. Just a statement. If this comic isn’t offensive then what is.
Comic Strips That Take Offensive To A Whole New Level
12. A vacation in prison
Added expenses and the way out. Well, Bobby should consult his wife before bending down. Good luck Bobby.Comic Strips That Take Offensive To A Whole New Level
Hope you laughed at these comics.


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